1. The Cheer Season is a full year commitment from June 2024 - May 2025
2. All Legacy Athletics customers are required to have a card set up in Jackrabbit for all payments. All tuition is processed on the 1st of each month. Athletes will not be allowed to practice until there is a card on file or the account is paid in full.
3. Your account must be current for your child to participate in team practices, tumbling classes, open gyms, private lessons and or competitions.
4. All monthly fees, assessment fees, and/or uniform fees, must be paid in advance in order to participate in any event. All fees are 100% Non-Refundable for any reason.
5. If you chose to pay your Assessments in full and choose to discontinue anytime from June 2024 to April 2025, your fees are Non-Refundable. The $250 buyout fee and expenses already paid out for the season will be deducted and the remaining balance will be applied as a credit onto your account for Legacy Services or Goods. NO REFUNDS will be given. Remember you are signing up for a spot on a Legacy team, not for a specific team or position.
6. I understand that if my child decides to quit the Legacy Athletics program (for any reason other than family relocation with a valid real estate document, or a season ending sport injury with a valid physician’s certificate) at any time from June 1st 2024 to the end of the competition season May 2025, I will be charged a $250 buyout fee. This fee will be deducted from the card on file or needs to be paid by check within 5 days if card is not approved.
7. It is mandatory to abide by the Attendance policy as outlined in the 2024-2025 Athlete Policies given out in this packet. All athletes are to attend their teams regularly scheduled practices. If an athlete is not feeling well, or injured, they are still expected to be at practice. If your child has a fever or is vomiting, they should not attend. A parent must fill out an absent form PRIOR to practice for this to be excused. All school activities and pre planned vacations should be submitted 14 days in advanced online as explained in the packet. After the athlete has reached 2 unexcused absences for the season, each additional unexcused absence will result in a $25 absence fee. If your athlete reaches 10 missed practices, unexcused or excused, a meeting with the All Star director will take place. At this time your child may be removed from their team and program at the discretion of the All Star Director or owners. Attendance is required for success.
8. I understand that if my child is late more than 5 times a meeting with the All Star director will take place. If your athlete continues to be tardy after the meeting your child may be removed from their team and program at the discretion of the All Star Director or owners.
9. If at any time your child misses a competition for an unexcused reason, this is means for immediate termination from the team and no refunds of any sort will be given along with the $250 buy out fee assessed.
10. Legacy will issue a list of “Black Out Weeks”, which are the week prior to a competition. During said black out weeks, any missed practices will result in the athlete not being able to compete at the next competition. No competition fee refunds will be given for missing a competition blackout practice.
11. Your child can and will be suspended from practices and or competitions for displaying inappropriate behavior and refusal to follow gym rules and instructions from coaches and staff. Please discuss this with your child. You are still responsible for your athlete’s fees during the period of suspension.
12. Athletes should not be dropped off more than 15 minutes early for a team or class. Athletes should not be picked more than 15 minutes from the end of their practice/class, as this requires coaches and staff to work past their set hours.
13. All transportation to and from competitions is the sole responsibility of parents. I understand that some competitions require a specific hotel. Information will be given as those dates approach.
14. I understand that as a Legacy member I am not allowed to use the Legacy Athletics logo and make my own Legacy Athletics merchandise. I cannot sell or create your own Legacy Athletics apparel or merchandise. I also understand I am not allowed to contact any vendors on behalf of Legacy Athletics, doing so is grounds for dismissal from the program.
15. I understand that my athlete needs to come to practice every day in the proper attire. Hair needs to be up and secure. If there is to be specific practice wear for a practice it will be posted on the Team app Calander.
16. We reserve the right to close practices at any time. This will occur if the viewing room becomes negative or distracting. Please remember to be your athlete’s, teams and coach’s biggest cheerleader! As a parent, if you are causing drama you can and will be removed from the gym.
17. It is the parent’s responsibility to stay informed. Check your TeamReach Group regularly, if you are not receiving information contact the front desk immediately so we can check your account.
18. Part of an All-Star team is uniform, hair and makeup. To be on the team, all athletes must follow these guidelines. If you cannot commit to doing hair and makeup in the designated style, your athlete can’t participate. We do have very supportive parents that may be willing/able to help but it is ultimately your responsibility to have your child ready.
19. Athletes are placed on a team with the expectation that the skills they have at tryouts will remain and grow through the season. If an athlete can no longer fulfill the role they were placed on the team for, they will be moved to a team where they can fulfill the necessary role.
20. I understand that by trying out for an Elite Team, these teams will accept only At Large or Paid type of bid. If a team receives an At Large Bid, they will be responsible for the ASW's fees, practice wear and coach's fees. If a team receives a Paid Bid, they will only be responsible for deleted practice wear, practice fees, and coach's fees.
21. I understand that committing to an All Star team my child is NOT allowed to take tumbling classes outside of the gym. Clinics and private lessons outside the gym must be approved by the All Star Director.
22. All athletes and parents are expected to carry and conduct themselves with the utmost maturity on and off social media. This includes but is not limited to social media posts, photos, messages, interactions and discussion boards. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate termination from the program; with no refund and the $250 buy out fee applied.